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SHEESH this is a great submission. One to be proud of for sure.

Thank you for the kind words man, y'all killed it with Death Mark!!

The difficulty is perfect and the gameplay is excellent. The idea deserves to be developed further. The game is really hard, but not so hard it feels unfair.

You deserve to win!

omggg this is dankk

Feels really off, and difficult seams to very heavily on spawns ammo feels really janky and you have to get close to enmies that have no feed back on when they going to shoot makes dodging feel impossible. Needs alot of work but could be fun with a few more iterations and a lot more play testing and polish.

I mean, I don't think feedback is needed as a warning for gunfire. The bullets are slow enough that if you just kept your distance you would be fine.

You are entitled to your own opinions of course, but this review doesn't align with my experience at all.

you literally have to get close to them to pick them up -.-

Maybe my experience was glitched... are the dead bodies continuing to shoot at you or something?

No but theres always a enemy blocking the body from being picked up almost instantly after pick up so no matter what you have to get close or else you die ammo despawns sooner then you can lead enemys away from ammo.

This is great! Love the throw mag option. Feels like player acceleration could be a little faster. Currently getting hit a lot because it doesn't feel like I can start moving / change directions fast enough

godot games on web make the browser crash on macos, can someone report the bug, idk how to do it